Referenced Documents

The following documents are referenced in this Case Study:

(Please note that the links below are good at the time of writing but cannot be guaranteed for the future.)

[1] The TOGAF® Standard, 10th Edition, a Standard of The Open Group (C220), published by The Open Group, April 2022; refer to:

[2] ArchiMate® 3.2 Specification, a Standard of The Open Group (C226), published by The Open Group, October 2022; refer to:

[3] Doest, H., Iacob, M.-E., Lankhorst, M.M. (Ed.) & van Leeuwen, D.: Viewpoints Functionality and Examples, ArchiMate Deliverable D3.4.1a v2, TI/RS/2003/091, Telematica Instituut, Enschede, The Netherlands, 2004.

[4] van den Berg, H., Moelaert, F.: PRO-FIT Autoschade Open Case Testbed, Testbed Deliverable WP3/N004/V001, TRC, Enschede, The Netherlands, 1997.

[5] ArchiSurance Case Study (Y121), published by The Open Group, January 2012; refer to: and ArchiSurance Case Study, Version 2 (Y163), published by The Open Group, September 2017; refer to: