About the Authors

Dr. Meng-Chyi Harn

Dr. Meng-Chyi Harn is currently the EA Director of the Taipei Digital Innovation Office (DoIT), Taipei City Government. He joined the EA Group to help agencies plan and realize the IT projects of Taipei Smart City using a viable EA method, Taipei GEAF, created by the Commissioner of DoIT, Dr. Hsin-ke (Simon) Lu.

He has engaged in the study and education of Information Technology and Management for 35 years, since 1986. After receiving a PhD in Computer Science at the Naval Postgraduate School, USA, in 1999, he worked in the Graduate School of National Defense Information, the National Defense Management College, National Defense University, ROC. His research interests include architecture theory, SBC architecture, DoDAF, the TOGAF Standard, C4ISR systems, software evolution, formal methods, and network-centric applications.

In 2004, he retired from the military system and continued his career as Associate Professor in the Department of Information Technology and the General Director in both the computer center and the C4ISR research center at the Takming University of Science and Technology (TMUST) in Taipei. As Dean of College of Informatics at TMUST, he participated in and hosted The Open Group Taipei 2011 in Taiwan.

After that, he was the main planner and instructor, training the senior leaders of national science and technology R&D programs as EA Chief Architects at Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI); in seven years, about 170 EA Chief Architects have been born by his hand. In the meantime, he successfully achieved several EA and DoDAF projects from the government. He wrote down some lessons learned and published an important book: Enterprise Architecture Guidance: Blue Ocean Layout and Practice Strategy which is based on the Structure-Behavior Coalescence (SBC), TOGAF Standard, and Semantic Networks via ArchiMate (SNA), invented by him in 2015.

Currently, he is the Honorary Chairman of Association of Chinese Enterprise Architects, a|CEA, and the Deputy Chairman of Association of Enterprise Architects, Taiwan Chapter (a|EA Taiwan Chapter).

Boitumelo Molete

Boitumelo is Senior Manager Enterprise Architecture in the University, working in the Enterprise Architecture Unit. Boitumelo joined the University in 2017 to set up an EA unit for the University. EA provides architectural guidelines, standards, and enterprise-wide strategic leadership for Information Systems and Information Technology Strategy. The EA unit also defines and manages the architecture processes and governance structures to assure sustainability and realize long term business benefits. Before joining Wits, Boitumelo worked as Senior Advisor Business Architect at ESKOM Holdings SOC Ltd, South Africa’s primary electricity supplier

Boitumelo has also served in the Agile Enterprise Architecture Working Group of the Architecture Forum and is currently serving in The Open Group Government EA Work Group.

Don Clysdale

Don, a Fujitsu Distinguished Engineer, is working on modernization and transformation projects for the Government of Canada, including the implementation of commercial off-the-shelf products and cloud hosting.

Don has worked in some of the largest Canadian federal government departments, agencies, and crown corporations as Technical Lead, Integration Architect, and/or Data Architect for implementation and integration of large solutions. His recent focus has been architecting the building blocks for information sharing and processing using microservices, opensource schemas, and technology platforms.

Don has developed computer simulations of large-scale systems and applied optimization and statistical analyses to work force, workload, and workflow problems. Leveraging address and demographic data with GIS technology, he has improved client data processes and implemented value-added services.