Acronyms & Abbreviations

ABB Architecture Building Block

API Application Program Interface

B2B Business-to-Business

BEAMS Budget Estimation Allocation Management System

BPMN Business Process Model Notation

DSS Digital Service Standard

ePS e-Proposal System

ERTS Excise, Registration, Taxation, and Stamps

ETL Extract, Transform, Load

GBA Government Blockchain Association

GIS Geographic Information System

GRAS Government Receipt Accounting System

IndEA India Enterprise Architecture

iOBS Integrated Budget Information System

ITU International Telecommunication Union

IVR Interactive Voice Response

LOA Letter of Acceptance

MeghEA Meghalaya Enterprise Architecture

NGO Non-Governmental Organization

SDC Service-Oriented Device

SDG Sustainable Development Goal

SMS Short Messaging Service

SOA Service-Oriented Architecture

SSO Single Sign-On

WSIS World Summit on the Information Society