Executive Summary

Boundaryless Information Flow achieved through global interoperability in a secure, reliable, and timely manner

Executive Summary

This Case Study demonstrates the value of the ArchiMate® 3.2 modeling language, a standard of The Open Group, for planning and expressing complex business transformation. The Case Study is about a fictitious manufacturer named ArchiMetal. Through high-level architecture modeling, the ArchiMate language illuminates the coherence between an organization, and its processes, applications, and technology. This Case Study presents examples of ArchiMate models that can be elaborated as necessary for analysis, communication, decision support, and implementation.

This Case Study first describes ArchiMetal’s baseline state, focusing on its Customer Relationship Management (CRM) challenges. It shows how these challenges can be addressed through changes to the company’s organizational structure, business processes, and application portfolio. In the process, it thoroughly demonstrates the use of the ArchiMate language, including its Business, Application, and Technology core layers, as well as its Motivation and Implementation and Migration elements.

This Case Study is designed for Enterprise and Solution Architects interested in systematic approaches to architecture in general, and the ArchiMate language in particular. It supports The Open Group vision of Boundaryless Information Flow™ by demonstrating how an open, standard, widely-used visual modeling language can be used to guide complex business transformation.

Even though the concepts and approach provided in this Case Study can be applied to several industries, the particular examples are aimed to support the Manufacturing industry.