National e-Service Bus Mapping to the TOGAF Standard

Figure 5 describes the core pillars of the BNDA and their mapping to the TOGAF Standard.

Core Pillars Definition


Common approach towards the realization and visualization of government activities.


Data is owned by individual government bodies and should be reusable.


Introduces shared services and systems.


Enables exchange of data and services across government organizations. The National e-Service Bus (based on SOA) is the core of integration in the BNDA.


Mobile and Internet technology has created new platforms for government agencies/organizations as well as consumers.


Multiple ICT infrastructures and networks.


Security is the largest common concern area when dealing with government enterprises and their data being exchanged and being used internally, and externally.

Figure 5: Core Pillars of the BNDA and their Mapping to the TOGAF Standard
Figure 5: Core Pillars of the BNDA and their Mapping to the TOGAF Standard

In line with other globally recognized frameworks based on the TOGAF Standard, the structure of a national Enterprise Architecture consists of a number of reference architectures, each dealing with a specific domain of Enterprise Architecture. The National e-Service Bus is a core middleware integration component of Technology Architecture.

The National Enterprise Architecture Framework is a close representation of the entities relevant to a domain of the Enterprise Architecture, the inter-relationships among those entities, and the standards to be followed by each of the entities. The overall structure of the national Enterprise Architecture is organized into two sections: Whole-of-Government and Ministry. The framework has mainly four dimensions and includes two cross-cutting dimensions: governance and security. Those dimensions are overarching and apply to both Whole-of-Government and Ministry. The remaining four dimensions, each of which contain a reference architecture are: Business, Application, Data, and Technology. These dimensions apply to both Whole-of-Government and Ministry. However, the artifacts falling under each of those dimensions varies. Figure 6 provides a structural view of the National Enterprise Architecture Framework, capturing the dimensions and artifacts.

Figure 6: National Enterprise Architecture Framework (Source: BCC)
Figure 6: National Enterprise Architecture Framework (Source: BCC)

Table 2: Project Stakeholders and Activities

Project Stakeholders Activities

ICT Division

  • Guide and monitor project progress periodically

  • Assistance to get coordination/response from line ministries


  • Provide strategic and tactical support to continue the system operation as and when required

  • Provide hosting space and deployment infrastructure

  • Provide support to solve technical issues

  • Facilitate approval of all technical documents, such as Functional Requirement Specification and System Requirement Specification

Election Commission

Provide a NID API and related technical support as and when required.

Office of the Registrar General, Local Government Division

Provide a birth registration API and related technical support as and when required.

Bangladesh Telecom Regulatory Commission

Provide an API to validate mobile numbers and related technical support as and when required.

Other Ministries/Departments/Agencies

Provide an API to connect with the National e-Service Bus as and when required, or consume API from the National e-Service Bus for their needs.